Adds a keyboard shortcut to an element. It either calls a callback or clicks the node it was added to if one is not provided.
<div use:hotkey={{ code: "KeyA", callback: () => alert("A") }} />
npx atmx add action hotkey
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import type { Action } from "svelte/action";
export interface HotkeyConfig {/*** Should the event be active or not.* Allows to remove listener when not necessary.*/active?: boolean;alt?: boolean;/*** The callback to be called when the shortcut is triggered.*/callback?: (node: HTMLElement) => void;/*** The code of the key to listen for.* {@link}*/code: KeyboardEventInit["code"];control?: boolean;shift?: boolean;}
/*** Adds a keyboard shortcut to an element.* It either calls a callback or clicks the node it was added to if one is not provided.** @example* ```svelte* <div use:hotkey={{ code: 'KeyA', callback: () => alert('A') }} />* ```*/export const hotkey: Action<HTMLElement, HotkeyConfig> = (node, config) => {const validate = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {const { alt = false, code, control = false, shift = false } = config;
return [ code === event.code, alt === event.altKey, control == event.ctrlKey || control === event.metaKey, shift === event.shiftKey,].every(Boolean);};
const handleKeyboard = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {const { callback = (node: HTMLElement) => } = config;
if (!validate(event)) { return;}
const activate = () => {window.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyboard);};
const deactivate = () => {window.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeyboard);};
const init = () => {const { active = true } = config;active ? activate() : deactivate();};
return {update(updatedConfig) { config = updatedConfig; init();},destroy() { deactivate();},};};