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Simple config options to manage atmx

atmx uses a simple JSON configuration file called utils.json to manage its files. This file is generated during atmx init and shouldn’t be removed, otherwise atmx may not work properly.


Denotes whether the project should use TypeScript. This value is set automatically if atmx detects a tsconfig.json file in your repository.


Maps aliases for all installed code. A key is required for each atmx code type (hooks, helpers, etc.). These aliases will be used in all code atmx generates. In TypeScript aliases are typically defined using the paths option in tsconfig.json.

If you aren’t using TypeScript, you’ll need to configure aliases specific to your bundler. For example, Vite features a resolve.alias configuration option.

index (experimental)

Controls whether to generate an index.(ts|js) file in the root each directory. For example, instead of importing a method via:

import { group } from '@/helpers/group';

You could import via

import * as _ from '@/helpers';
// Later...* ... */)

Defaults to false.