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Setup your project in one command

Similar to how shadcn generates a components.json file, atmx relies on a utils.json file to manage its code snippets and requires this file to run.

To start, run the following from the root of your repo:

Terminal window
npx atmx init

For alternatives to using npx, see the CLI docs.

During initialization, you’ll be asked a series of questions regarding where you wish to store different categories of code (helpers, hooks, etc.). For now, all of these fields are required, even if you aren’t using React or Svelte.

If your project is using TypeScript and contains a tsconfig.json, atmx’s ts setting will automatically be set to true. Otherwise, you’ll be asked if you wish to use TypeScript. Note that selecting yes will not set up TypeScript for you in your repo if it is not already.

Configuring aliases

Once you have set aliases in your utils.json, you’ll need to update your project aliases to point to the correct paths. If you are using NextJS, aliases should work out-of-the-box, as Next automatically aliases @/ to src/*.

If not, be sure to add the following to your tsconfig.json (if using TypeScript):

"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": [
// ...

Otherwise, add a similar alias to your bundler. For example, here is how you would configure aliases in Vite.