Make an object callable. Given an object and a function the returned object will be a function with all the objects properties.
const car = callable( { wheels: 2, }, (self) => () => { return "driving"; },);
car.wheels; // => 2car(); // => 'driving'
npx atmx add helper callable
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
/*** Make an object callable. Given an object and a function the* returned object will be a function with all the objects properties.** @example* const car = callable({* wheels: 2* }, self => () => {* return 'driving'* })** car.wheels // => 2* car() // => 'driving'*/export function callable<TValue,TObj extends Record<string | number | symbol, TValue>,TFunc extends (...args: any) => any,>(obj: TObj, fn: (self: TObj) => TFunc): TObj & TFunc {return new Proxy(Object.assign(fn.bind(null), obj), {get: (target, key: string) => target[key],set: (target, key: string, value: any) => { (target as any)[key] = value; return true;},apply: (target, _, args) => fn(Object.assign({}, target))(...args),}) as unknown as TObj & TFunc;}