The `clamp` function restricts a number to be within a specified range. - It takes three arguments: the number to clamp, the minimum value, and the maximum value. - If the number is less than the minimum, it returns the minimum. - If the number is greater than the maximum, it returns the maximum. - Otherwise, it returns the number itself.
clamp(5, 1, 10); // returns 5clamp(0, 1, 10); // returns 1clamp(15, 1, 10); // returns 10
npx atmx add helper clamp
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
/*** The `clamp` function restricts a number to be within a specified* range.** - It takes three arguments: the number to clamp, the minimum value,* and the maximum value.* - If the number is less than the minimum, it returns the minimum.* - If the number is greater than the maximum, it returns the* maximum.* - Otherwise, it returns the number itself.** @example* clamp(5, 1, 10) // returns 5* clamp(0, 1, 10) // returns 1* clamp(15, 1, 10) // returns 10*/export function clamp(n: number,min?: number | null,max?: number | null,): number {return Math.min(max ?? n, Math.max(min ?? n, n));}