Clone the given object and possibly other objects nested inside. By default, the only objects that get cloned are plain objects, class instances, arrays, `Set` instances, and `Map` instances. If an object is not cloned, any objects nested inside are also not cloned. You may define a custom cloning strategy by passing a partial implementation of the `CloningStrategy` interface to the `cloneDeep` function. Any undefined methods will fall back to the default cloning logic. Your own methods may return null to indicate that the default cloning logic should be used. They may also return the input object to indicate that cloning should be skipped. const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } } const clone = cloneDeep(obj) assert(clone !== obj) assert(clone.b !== obj.b) assert(JSON.stringify(clone) === JSON.stringify(obj))
npx atmx add helper clone-deep
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { isArray } from "@/helpers/is-array.ts";import { isMap } from "@/helpers/is-map.ts";import { isObject } from "@/helpers/is-object.ts";import { isSet } from "@/helpers/is-set.ts";
/*** A strategy for cloning objects with `cloneDeep`.** Methods **must** call the `track` function with the new parent* object **before** looping over the input object's* properties/elements for cloning purposes. This protects against* circular references.** Methods may return the input object to indicate that cloning should* be skipped.** Methods may return null to indicate that the default cloning logic* should be used.*/export interface CloningStrategy {cloneMap: <K, V>(parent: Map<K, V>,track: (newParent: Map<K, V>) => Map<K, V>,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,) => Map<K, V> | null;cloneSet: <T>(parent: Set<T>,track: (newParent: Set<T>) => Set<T>,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,) => Set<T> | null;cloneArray: <T>(parent: readonly T[],track: (newParent: T[]) => T[],clone: <T>(value: T) => T,) => T[] | null;cloneObject: <T extends object>(parent: T,track: (newParent: T) => T,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,) => T | null;cloneOther: <T>(parent: T,track: (newParent: T) => T,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,) => T | null;}
export const DefaultCloningStrategy: CloningStrategy = {cloneMap<K, V>(input: Map<K, V>,track: (newParent: Map<K, V>) => Map<K, V>,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,): Map<K, V> {const output = track(new Map());for (const [key, value] of input) { output.set(key, clone(value));}return output;},cloneSet<T>(input: Set<T>,track: (newParent: Set<T>) => Set<T>,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,): Set<T> {const output = track(new Set());for (const value of input) { output.add(clone(value));}return output;},cloneArray<T>(input: readonly T[],track: (newParent: T[]) => T[],clone: <T>(value: T) => T,): T[] {// Use .forEach for correct handling of sparse arraysconst output = track(new Array(input.length));input.forEach((value, index) => { output[index] = clone(value);});return output;},cloneObject<T extends object>(input: T,track: (newParent: T) => T,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,): T {const output = track(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(input)));for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(input)) { // By copying the property descriptors, we preserve computed // properties and non-enumerable properties. const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(input, key)!; if ("value" in descriptor) { descriptor.value = clone(descriptor.value); } Object.defineProperty(output, key, descriptor);}return output;},cloneOther<T>(input: T, track: (newParent: T) => T): T {return track(input);},};
/*** If you don't need support for non-enumerable properties or computed* properties, and you're not using custom classes, you can use this* strategy for better performance.*/export const FastCloningStrategy = {cloneObject: <T extends object>(input: T,track: (newParent: T) => T,clone: <T>(value: T) => T,): T => {const output: any = track({ ...input });for (const key of Object.keys(input)) { output[key] = clone(input[key as keyof object]);}return output;},};
/*** Clone the given object and possibly other objects nested inside.** By default, the only objects that get cloned are plain objects,* class instances, arrays, `Set` instances, and `Map` instances. If* an object is not cloned, any objects nested inside are also not* cloned.** You may define a custom cloning strategy by passing a partial* implementation of the `CloningStrategy` interface to the* `cloneDeep` function. Any undefined methods will fall back to the* default cloning logic. Your own methods may return null to indicate* that the default cloning logic should be used. They may also return* the input object to indicate that cloning should be skipped.*** const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }* const clone = cloneDeep(obj)** assert(clone !== obj)* assert(clone.b !== obj.b)* assert(JSON.stringify(clone) === JSON.stringify(obj))*/export function cloneDeep<T extends object>(root: T,customStrategy?: Partial<CloningStrategy>,): T {const strategy = { ...DefaultCloningStrategy, ...customStrategy };
const tracked = new Map<unknown, unknown>();
const track = (parent: unknown, newParent: unknown) => {tracked.set(parent, newParent);return newParent;};
const clone = <T,>(value: T): T =>value && typeof value === "object" ? ((tracked.get(value) ?? cloneDeep(value, strategy)) as T) : value;
const cloneDeep = (parent: unknown, strategy: CloningStrategy): unknown => {const cloneParent = ( isObject(parent) ? strategy.cloneObject : isArray(parent) ? strategy.cloneArray : isMap(parent) ? strategy.cloneMap : isSet(parent) ? strategy.cloneSet : strategy.cloneOther) as ( newParent: unknown, track: (newParent: unknown) => unknown, clone: (value: unknown) => unknown,) => unknown;
const newParent = cloneParent(parent, track.bind(null, parent), clone);
if (!newParent) { // Use the default strategy if null is returned. return cloneDeep(parent, DefaultCloningStrategy);}
tracked.set(parent, newParent);
return newParent;};
return cloneDeep(root, strategy) as T;}