Flattens a deep object to a single dimension, converting the keys to dot notation.
crush({ name: "ra", children: [{ name: "hathor" }] }); // { name: 'ra', '': 'hathor' }
npx atmx add helper crush
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { isArray } from "@/helpers/is-array.ts";import { isObject } from "@/helpers/is-object.ts";
import type { Intersect } from "@/types/intersect.ts";import type { Simplify } from "@/types/simplify.ts";
/*** Flattens a deep object to a single dimension, converting the keys* to dot notation.** @example* crush({ name: 'ra', children: [{ name: 'hathor' }] }) // { name: 'ra', '': 'hathor' }*/export function crush<T extends object>(value: T): Crush<T> {if (!value) {return {} as Crush<T>;}return (function crushReducer(crushed: Crush<T>,value: unknown,path: string,) {if (isObject(value) || isArray(value)) { for (const [prop, propValue] of Object.entries(value)) { crushReducer(crushed, propValue, path ? `${path}.${prop}` : prop); }} else { crushed[path as keyof Crush<T>] = value as Crush<T>[keyof Crush<T>];}return crushed;})({} as Crush<T>, value, "");}
/*** The return type of the `crush` function.** This type is limited by TypeScript's development. There's no* reliable way to detect if an object will pass `isObject` or not, so* we cannot infer the property types of nested objects that have been* crushed.**/export type Crush<T> = T extends readonly (infer U)[]? Record<string, U extends object ? unknown : U>: Simplify< Intersect< keyof T extends infer Prop ? Prop extends keyof T ? T[Prop] extends infer Value ? | ([Extract<Value, object>] extends [never] ? never : Record<string, unknown>) | ([Exclude<Value, object>] extends [never] ? never : [Extract<Value, object>] extends [never] ? { [P in Prop]: Value } : Record<string, unknown>) : never : never : never >>;