Given a delay and a function returns a new function that will only call the source function after delay milliseconds have passed without any invocations. The debounce function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to invoke them immediately.
const myDebouncedFunc = debounce({ delay: 1000 }, (x) => console.log(x));
myDebouncedFunc(0);myDebouncedFunc(1); // Logs 1, but not 0
npx atmx add helper debounce
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
declare const setTimeout: (fn: () => void, ms: number) => unknown;declare const clearTimeout: (timer: unknown) => void;
export type DebounceFunction<TArgs extends any[]> = {(...args: TArgs): void;/*** Cancels the debounced function*/cancel(): void;/*** Checks if there is any invocation debounced*/isPending(): boolean;/*** Runs the debounced function immediately*/flush(...args: TArgs): void;};
/*** Given a delay and a function returns a new function that will only* call the source function after delay milliseconds have passed* without any invocations.** The debounce function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel* delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to invoke them* immediately.** @example* const myDebouncedFunc = debounce({ delay: 1000 }, (x) => console.log(x))** myDebouncedFunc(0)* myDebouncedFunc(1) // Logs 1, but not 0*/export function debounce<TArgs extends any[]>({ delay }: { delay: number },func: (...args: TArgs) => any,): DebounceFunction<TArgs> {let timer: unknown = undefined;let active = true;
const debounced: DebounceFunction<TArgs> = (...args: TArgs) => {if (active) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { active && func(...args); timer = undefined; }, delay);} else { func(...args);}};debounced.isPending = () => {return timer !== undefined;};debounced.cancel = () => {active = false;};debounced.flush = (...args: TArgs) => func(...args);
return debounced;}