Ensures a file exists at the specified path. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
npx atmx add helper ensure-file
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts:
import { readdir, stat, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises";import { dirname } from "node:path"; import { mkdirs } from "@/helpers/mkdirs.ts"; async function ensureDirectory(file: string) {const dir = dirname(file); let dirStats = null; try {dirStats = await stat(dir);} catch (err) {// if the directory doesn't exist, make itif ((err as any).code === "ENOENT") { await mkdirs(dir); return;} else { throw err;}} if (dirStats.isDirectory()) {await writeFile(file, "");} else {// parent is not a directory// This is just to cause an internal ENOTDIR error to be thrownawait readdir(dir);}} /*** Ensures a file exists at the specified path. If the file does not exist, it will be created.** @param file - The path to the file to ensure exists.* @returns A promise that resolves when the file exists.*/export async function ensureFile(file: string) {let stats; try {stats = await stat(file);} catch {} // The file exists, so returnif (stats && stats.isFile()) return; await ensureDirectory(file);await writeFile(file, "");}