`Array.isArray` but with better type inference.
isArray([]); // => trueisArray("hello"); // => false
npx atmx add helper is-array
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import type { StrictExtract } from "@/types/strict-extract.ts";
/*** `Array.isArray` but with better type inference.** @example* isArray([]) // => true* isArray('hello') // => false*/export const isArray = (() => Array.isArray)() as <Input>(value: Input,) => value is ExtractArray<Input>;
/*** An absurdly complicated but accurate type for extracting Array types.** It's like `Extract<T, any[]>` but better with edge cases.*/export type ExtractArray<T> = T extends any? [StrictExtract<T, readonly any[]>] extends [readonly any[]]? Extract<T, readonly any[]>: [StrictExtract<T, any[]>] extends [any[]] ? Extract<T, any[]> : unknown[] extends T ? unknown[] : never: never;