Return true if the given values are equal. To determine equality, `` is used first. If it returns false, we do the following special checks: - `Date` and `Date` with the same time - `RegExp` and `RegExp` with the same pattern/flags - object with the same keys and values (recursive)
isEqual(0, 0); // => trueisEqual(0, 1); // => false
npx atmx add helper is-equal
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
/*** Return true if the given values are equal.** To determine equality, `` is used first. If it returns* false, we do the following special checks:* - `Date` and `Date` with the same time* - `RegExp` and `RegExp` with the same pattern/flags* - object with the same keys and values (recursive)** @example* isEqual(0, 0) // => true* isEqual(0, 1) // => false*/export function isEqual<TType>(x: TType, y: TType): boolean {if (, y)) {return true;}
if (x instanceof Date && y instanceof Date) {return x.getTime() === y.getTime();}
if (x instanceof RegExp && y instanceof RegExp) {return x.toString() === y.toString();}
if (typeof x !== "object" ||x === null ||typeof y !== "object" ||y === null) {return false;}
const keysX = Reflect.ownKeys(x as unknown as object) as (keyof typeof x)[];const keysY = Reflect.ownKeys(y as unknown as object);
if (keysX.length !== keysY.length) {return false;}
for (let i = 0; i < keysX.length; i++) {if (!Reflect.has(y as unknown as object, keysX[i])) { return false;}
if (!isEqual(x[keysX[i]], y[keysX[i]])) { return false;}}
return true;}