Get a string list of all key names that exist in an object (deep).
keys({ name: "ra" }); // ['name']keys({ name: "ra", children: [{ name: "hathor" }] }); // ['name', '']
npx atmx add helper keys
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { isArray } from "@/helpers/is-array.ts";import { isPlainObject } from "@/helpers/is-plain-object.ts";
/*** Get a string list of all key names that exist in an object (deep).** @example keys({ name: 'ra' }) // ['name']* keys({ name: 'ra', children: [{ name: 'hathor' }] }) // ['name', '']*/export function keys(value: object): string[] {if (!value) {return [];}const keys: string[] = [];const keyPath: (string | number)[] = [];const recurse = (value: any) => {if (isPlainObject(value)) { for (const [prop, propValue] of Object.entries(value)) { keyPath.push(prop); recurse(propValue); keyPath.pop(); }} else if (isArray(value)) { value.forEach((item, index) => { keyPath.push(index); recurse(item); keyPath.pop(); });} else { keys.push(keyPath.join("."));}};recurse(value);return keys;}