Creates a memoized function. The returned function will only execute the source function when no value has previously been computed. If a ttl (milliseconds) is given previously computed values will be checked for expiration before being returned.
const calls: number[] = [];
const fib = memo((x: number) => { calls.push(x); return x < 2 ? x : fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2);});
fib(10); // 55fib(10); // 55 (calls === [10])fib(11); // 89 (calls === [10, 11])
npx atmx add helper memo
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
type Cache<T> = Record<string, { exp: number | null; value: T }>;
function memoize<TArgs extends any[], TResult>(cache: Cache<TResult>,func: (...args: TArgs) => TResult,keyFunc: ((...args: TArgs) => string) | null,ttl: number | null,) {return function callWithMemo(...args: any): TResult {const key = keyFunc ? keyFunc(...args) : JSON.stringify({ args });const existing = cache[key];if (existing !== undefined) { if (!existing.exp) { return existing.value; } if (existing.exp > new Date().getTime()) { return existing.value; }}const result = func(...args);cache[key] = { exp: ttl ? new Date().getTime() + ttl : null, value: result,};return result;};}
export interface MemoOptions<TArgs extends any[]> {key?: (...args: TArgs) => string;ttl?: number;}
/*** Creates a memoized function. The returned function will only* execute the source function when no value has previously been* computed. If a ttl (milliseconds) is given previously computed* values will be checked for expiration before being returned.** @example* const calls: number[] = []** const fib = memo((x: number) => {* calls.push(x)* return x < 2 ? x : fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)* })** fib(10) // 55* fib(10) // 55 (calls === [10])* fib(11) // 89 (calls === [10, 11])*/export function memo<TArgs extends any[], TResult>(func: (...args: TArgs) => TResult,options: MemoOptions<TArgs> = {},): (...args: TArgs) => TResult {return memoize({}, func, options.key ?? null, options.ttl ?? null);}