Asynchronously creates a directory and any necessary subdirectories. Equivalent to mkdir -p.
npx atmx add helper mkdirs
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { mkdir } from "node:fs/promises";
import { isPathValid } from "@/helpers/is-path-valid.ts";
interface MakeDirsOptions {mode?: number;}
/*** Asynchronously creates a directory and any necessary subdirectories.* Equivalent to mkdir -p.** @param dir – The path to the directory to create.* @param opts – Options for creating the directory.* @returns The path to the directory that was created.*/export async function mkdirs(dir: string,opts: MakeDirsOptions = {},): Promise<string | undefined> {isPathValid(dir);return mkdir(dir, { mode: opts.mode, recursive: true });}