Create a function that runs at most once, no matter how many times it's called. If it was already called before, returns the result from the first call. This is a lighter version of `memo()`. To allow your `once`-wrapped function to be called again, see the `once.reset` function.
const fn = once(() => Math.random());fn(); // 0.5fn(); // 0.5
npx atmx add helper once
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
const onceSymbol: unique symbol = Symbol();
/*** The type of a function wrapped with `once`.*/export interface OnceFunction<Args extends unknown[] = unknown[],Return = unknown,This = unknown,> {(this: This, ...args: Args): Return;[onceSymbol]?: Return | typeof onceSymbol;}
type OnceImplementation = {<Args extends unknown[], Return, This = unknown>(fn: (this: This, ...args: Args) => Return,): (this: This, ...args: Args) => Return;
/*** Reset the result of a function that was created with `once`,* allowing it to be called again.*** const fn = once(() => Math.random())* fn() // 0.5* fn() // 0.5* once.reset(fn)* fn() // 0.3* fn() // 0.3* */reset(fn: OnceFunction): void;};
/*** Create a function that runs at most once, no matter how many times* it's called. If it was already called before, returns the result* from the first call. This is a lighter version of `memo()`.** To allow your `once`-wrapped function to be called again, see the* `once.reset` function.** @example* const fn = once(() => Math.random())* fn() // 0.5* fn() // 0.5*/export const once: OnceImplementation = (() => {const onceImpl: OnceImplementation = (fn) => {const onceFn = function (...args: any) { if (onceFn[onceSymbol] === onceSymbol) { onceFn[onceSymbol] = fn.apply(this as any, args); } return onceFn[onceSymbol];} as OnceFunction;
onceFn[onceSymbol] = onceSymbol;
return onceFn as typeof fn;};
onceImpl.reset = (fn: OnceFunction): void => {fn[onceSymbol] = onceSymbol;};
return onceImpl;})();