Creates a series object around a list of values that should be treated with order.
const numbers = series([1, 2, 3]);
numbers.first(); // => 1numbers.last(); // =>; // => 3numbers.previous(2); // => 1numbers.spin(2, 1); // => 3numbers.spin(2, -1); // => 1
npx atmx add helper series
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { list } from "@/helpers/list.ts";import { range } from "@/helpers/range.ts";
export interface Series<T> {min: (a: T, b: T) => T;max: (a: T, b: T) => T;first: () => T;last: () => T;next: (current: T, defaultValue?: T) => T;previous: (current: T, defaultValue?: T) => T;spin: (current: T, num: number) => T;}
/*** Creates a series object around a list of values that should be* treated with order.** @example* const numbers = series([1, 2, 3])** numbers.first() // => 1* numbers.last() // => 3* // => 3* numbers.previous(2) // => 1* numbers.spin(2, 1) // => 3* numbers.spin(2, -1) // => 1*/export const series = <T,>(items: readonly T[],toKey: (item: T) => string | symbol = (item) => `${item}`,): Series<T> => {const indexesByKey: Record<string | symbol, number> = {};const itemsByIndex: Record<number, T> = {};
for (const idx of range(items.length - 1)) {const item = items[idx];indexesByKey[toKey(item)] = idx;itemsByIndex[idx] = item;}
/*** Returns the first item from the series.*/const first = (): T => itemsByIndex[0];
/*** Returns the last item in the series.*/const last = (): T => itemsByIndex[items.length - 1];
/*** Given an item in the series, returns the next item in the series* or `defaultValue` if the given value is the last item in the series.*/const next = (current: T, defaultValue?: T): T =>itemsByIndex[indexesByKey[toKey(current)] + 1] ?? defaultValue ?? first();
/*** Given an item in the series, returns the previous item in the* series or `defaultValue` if the given value is the first item in* the series.*/const previous = (current: T, defaultValue?: T): T =>itemsByIndex[indexesByKey[toKey(current)] - 1] ?? defaultValue ?? last();
return {/** * Given two values in the series, returns the value that occurs * earlier in the series. */min(a, b) { return indexesByKey[toKey(a)] < indexesByKey[toKey(b)] ? a : b;},/** * Given two values in the series, returns the value that occurs * later in the series. */max(a, b) { return indexesByKey[toKey(a)] > indexesByKey[toKey(b)] ? a : b;},first,last,next,previous,/** * A more dynamic method than `next` and `previous` that lets you move * many times in either direction. * * * series(weekdays).spin('wednesday', 3) // => 'monday' * series(weekdays).spin('wednesday', -3) // => 'friday' * */spin(current, num) { if (num === 0) { return current; } const abs = Math.abs(num); const rel = abs > items.length ? abs % items.length : abs; return list(0, rel - 1).reduce( (acc) => (num > 0 ? next(acc) : previous(acc)), current, );},};};