Opposite of get, dynamically set a nested value into an object using a key path. Does not modify the given initial object.
set({}, "name", "ra"); // => { name: 'ra' }set({}, "cards[0].value", 2); // => { cards: [{ value: 2 }] }
npx atmx add helper set
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { clone } from "@/helpers/clone.ts";import { isIntString } from "@/helpers/is-int-string.ts";
/*** Opposite of get, dynamically set a nested value into an object* using a key path. Does not modify the given initial object.** @example* set({}, 'name', 'ra') // => { name: 'ra' }* set({}, 'cards[0].value', 2) // => { cards: [{ value: 2 }] }*/export function set<T extends object, K>(initial: T,path: string,value: K,): T {if (!initial) {return {} as T;}
if (!path || value === undefined) {return initial;}
const root: any = clone(initial);const keys = path.match(/[^.[\]]+/g);
if (keys) {keys.reduce( (object, key, i) => i < keys.length - 1 ? (object[key] ??= isIntString(keys[i + 1]) ? [] : {}) : (object[key] = value), root,);}
return root;}