Replace data by name in template strings. The default expression looks for `{{name}}` to identify names.
template("Hello, {{name}}", { name: "world" }); // "Hello, world"template("Hello, <name>", { name: "world" }, /<(.+?)>/g); // "Hello, world"
npx atmx add helper template
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
/*** Replace data by name in template strings. The default expression* looks for `{{name}}` to identify names.** @example* template('Hello, {{name}}', { name: 'world' }) // "Hello, world"* template('Hello, <name>', { name: 'world' }, /<(.+?)>/g) // "Hello, world"*/export function template(str: string,data: Record<string, any>,regex: RegExp = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g,): string {let result = "";let from = 0;let match: RegExpExecArray | null;while ((match = regex.exec(str))) {result += str.slice(from, match.index) + data[match[1]];from = regex.lastIndex;}return result + str.slice(from);}