Formats the given string in title case fashion.
title("hello world"); // => 'Hello World'title("va_va_boom"); // => 'Va Va Boom'title("root-hook"); // => 'Root Hook'title("queryItems"); // => 'Query Items'
npx atmx add helper title
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { capitalize } from "@/helpers/capitalize.ts";
/*** Formats the given string in title case fashion.** @example* title('hello world') // => 'Hello World'* title('va_va_boom') // => 'Va Va Boom'* title('root-hook') // => 'Root Hook'* title('queryItems') // => 'Query Items'*/export function title(str: string | null | undefined): string {if (!str) {return "";}return str.split(/(?=[A-Z])|[\.\-\s_]/).map((s) => s.trim()).filter((s) => !!s).map((s) => capitalize(s.toLowerCase())).join(" ");}