Recursively visit each property of an object (or each element of an array) and its nested objects or arrays. By default, the only nested objects to be traversed are plain objects and arrays.
const root = { a: 1, b: { c: { d: [2] }, e: 3 } };
traverse(root, (value, key, parent, context) => { console.log(key, "=>", value);});// Logs the following:// a => 1// b => { … }// c => { … }// d => [ 2 ]// 0 => 2// e => 3
npx atmx add helper traverse
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { isArray } from "@/helpers/is-array.ts";import { isFunction } from "@/helpers/is-function.ts";import { isIterable } from "@/helpers/is-iterable.ts";import { isPlainObject } from "@/helpers/is-plain-object.ts";import { last } from "@/helpers/last.ts";
export interface TraverseOptions<Key = string | number | symbol> {/*** A function that returns the keys of the object to be traversed.** @default Object.keys*/ownKeys?: ((parent: object) => Iterable<Key>) | null;/*** When true, the visitor callback will be invoked for the root object.** @default false*/rootNeedsVisit?: boolean | null;}
/*** Recursively visit each property of an object (or each element of an* array) and its nested objects or arrays. By default, the only* nested objects to be traversed are plain objects and arrays.** @example* const root = { a: 1, b: { c: { d: [2] }, e: 3 } }** traverse(root, (value, key, parent, context) => {* console.log(key, '=>', value)* })* // Logs the following:* // a => 1* // b => { … }* // c => { … }* // d => [ 2 ]* // 0 => 2* // e => 3*/export function traverse(root: object,visitor: TraverseVisitor,options?: (TraverseOptions & { rootNeedsVisit?: null }) | null,outerContext?: TraverseContext,): boolean;
export function traverse(root: object,visitor: TraverseVisitor<keyof any | null>,options?: TraverseOptions<keyof any | null> | null,outerContext?: TraverseContext<keyof any | null>,): boolean;
export function traverse(root: object,visitor: TraverseVisitor<any>,options?: TraverseOptions<any> | null,outerContext?: TraverseContext<any> | null,): boolean {const context = (outerContext ?? {value: null,key: null,parent: null,parents: [],path: [],skipped: new Set(),skip(obj) { context.skipped.add(obj ?? context.value);},}) as TraverseContext<keyof any | null> & {value: unknown;key: keyof any | null;parent: any;parents: object[];path: (keyof any)[];skipped: Set<unknown>;};
const { rootNeedsVisit } = (options ??= {});const ownKeys = options.ownKeys ?? Object.keys;const nestedOptions = {...options,rootNeedsVisit: null,};
let ok = true;
// This is called for each value in an object or iterable.const visit = (value: unknown, key: keyof any): boolean => {// Map entries are destructured into value and key.if (context.parent.constructor === Map) { [key, value] = value as [keyof any, unknown];}
context.path.push(key);const result = visitor( (context.value = value), (context.key = key), context.parent, context, nestedOptions,);
if (result === false) { return (ok = false);}
// Traverse nested plain objects and arrays that haven't been// skipped and aren't a circular reference.if ( value !== null && typeof value === "object" && (isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) && !context.skipped.has(value) && !context.parents.includes(value)) { traverse(value, result);}
context.path.pop();return ok;};
const traverse = (parent: object,parentResult?: ReturnType<TraverseVisitor>,): boolean => {context.parents.push(parent);context.parent = parent;
if (rootNeedsVisit && parent === root) { parentResult = visitor( (context.value = parent), (context.key = null), context.parent, context, nestedOptions, ); if (parentResult === false) { return ok; }}
if (isArray(parent)) { // Use Array.prototype.forEach for arrays so that sparse arrays // are efficiently traversed. The array must be cloned so it can // be cleared if the visitor returns false. parent.slice().forEach((value, index, values) => { if (visit(value, index) === false) { values.length = 0; // Stop further traversal. } });}// Allow an iterable (e.g. a Map or a Set) to be passed in as the// root object.else if (parent === root && isIterable(parent)) { let index = 0; for (const value of parent) { if (visit(value, index) === false) { return ok; } index++; }}// Traverse the object's properties.else { for (const key of ownKeys(parent)) { if (visit(parent[key as keyof object], key) === false) { return ok; } }}
context.parents.pop();context.parent = last(context.parents);
// Invoke the leave callback for the completed parent.if (ok && isFunction(parentResult)) { ok = parentResult() !== false;}
return ok;};
if (outerContext) {// If this is a recursive call, it's possible that the root object// was skipped earlier. Check for that here so the caller doesn't// have to check for it.if (outerContext.skipped.has(root)) { return true;}
// We'll have to restore the context after the traversal because// it might be used by the caller.const { value, key } = context;
context.value = value;context.key = key;return ok;}
return traverse(root);}
/*** The visitor callback for the `traverse` function.*/export type TraverseVisitor<Key = keyof any> = (value: unknown,key: Key,parent: object,context: TraverseContext<Key>,options: TraverseOptions<Key> & { rootNeedsVisit?: null },) => (() => boolean | void) | boolean | void;
/*** The context object for the `traverse` function.*/export interface TraverseContext<Key = keyof any> {/*** The current value being traversed.*/readonly value: unknown;/*** The property key or index with which the current value was found.*/readonly key: Key;/*** The parent object of the current value.*/readonly parent: object;/*** The stack of parent objects. The last object is the current* parent.** ⚠️ This array must not be mutated directly or referenced outside* the `visitor` callback. If that's necessary, you'll want to clone* it first.*/readonly parents: readonly object[];/*** The path to the `parent` object. The last key is the current key.** ⚠️ This array must not be mutated directly or referenced outside* the `visitor` callback. If that's necessary, you'll want to clone* it first.*/readonly path: readonly (keyof any)[];/*** When the current value is a traversable object/iterable, this* function can be used to skip traversing it altogether.** If the `obj` argument is provided, it marks the given object as* skipped (instead of the current value), preventing it from being* traversed.*/readonly skip: (obj?: object) => void;readonly skipped: ReadonlySet<unknown>;}