A helper to try an async function without forking the control flow. Returns an error-first callback-_like_ array response as `[Error, result]`
npx atmx add helper tryit
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts
import { isPromise } from "@/helpers/is-promise.ts";
/*** The result of a `tryit` function.** If the function returns a promise, the result is a promise that* resolves to an error-first callback-_like_ array response as* `[Error, result]`.** If the function returns a non-promise, the result is an error-first* callback-_like_ array response as `[Error, result]`.** @example* const [err, result] = await tryit(async () => {* return await fetch('')* })*/export type TryitResult<Return> =Return extends Promise<any>? Promise<[Error, undefined] | [undefined, Awaited<Return>]>: [Error, undefined] | [undefined, Return];
/*** A helper to try an async function without forking the control flow.* Returns an error-first callback-_like_ array response as `[Error,* result]`*/export function tryit<Args extends any[], Return>(func: (...args: Args) => Return,): (...args: Args) => TryitResult<Return> {return (...args) => {try { const result = func(...args); if (isPromise(result)) { return result .then((value) => [undefined, value]) .catch((err) => [err, undefined]) as TryitResult<Return>; } return [undefined, result] as TryitResult<Return>;} catch (err) { return [err, undefined] as TryitResult<Return>;}};}
export { tryit as try };