A hook that measures the dimensions of an element.
npx atmx add hook use-measure
Copy and paste the following method into @/utils/helpers/undefined.ts:
import * as React from "react"; import { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from "@/hooks/use-isomorphic-layout-effect.ts";import { isBrowser } from "@/helpers/is-browser.ts"; export type UseMeasureRect = Pick<DOMRectReadOnly,"x" | "y" | "top" | "left" | "right" | "bottom" | "height" | "width">; export type UseMeasureRef<E extends Element = Element> = (element: E) => void; export type UseMeasureResult<E extends Element = Element> = [UseMeasureRef<E>,UseMeasureRect,]; const defaultState: UseMeasureRect = {x: 0,y: 0,width: 0,height: 0,top: 0,left: 0,bottom: 0,right: 0,}; /*** A hook that measures the dimensions of an element.* @returns The ref and the dimensions of the element.*/function useMeasure<E extends Element = Element>(): UseMeasureResult<E> {const [element, ref] = React.useState<E | null>(null);const [rect, setRect] = React.useState<UseMeasureRect>(defaultState); const observer = React.useMemo(() => new window.ResizeObserver((entries: ResizeObserverEntry[]) => { if (entries[0]) { const { x, y, width, height, top, left, bottom, right } = entries[0].contentRect; setRect({ x, y, width, height, top, left, bottom, right }); } }),[],); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {if (!element) return;observer.observe(element);return () => { observer.disconnect();};}, [element]); return [ref, rect];} const fallback = (() => [() => {}, defaultState]) as typeof useMeasure; export default isBrowser() && typeof window.ResizeObserver !== "undefined"? useMeasure: fallback;